Checking in a day early with a weekend/birthday recap because I just never know when I’m going MIA these days!

I started my birthday with a Daily Harvest Coconut Chai smoothie with a squirt of pumpkin whipped cream, which I found at Whole Foods. (It’s really good!)

My birthday present arrived from Amazon mid-morning!! We decided up upgrade our Dyson cordless to the best of the best because it’s something we use, often multiple times a day. I’ve had a D6 Animal for almost 4 years and the amount of Gus hair and kitchen crumbs it has sucked up would probably fill up our family room! We got the newest model (the V10) because it has 3x the battery run time and a special attachment just for hardwood floors. So far we are loving it – it’s a beast and there’s really no need for a corded vacuum with this in da house. We’re relocating our older model for downstairs use. Cordless Dysons are total game changers, and I can’t recommend them enough. Totally worth the expensive price tag, especially given the cost per minute of use over time.


We had rainy weather for the rest of the day, so my dreams of taking Mazen on a fall-themed outing went out the window. While he was in school, I met Emily for lunch at Orzo where I got the butternut squash soup (again!) and the fall kale salad with butternut squash and lentils, which was excellent.

I met Mazen at the bus, and we spent the afternoon making a box fort with the vacuum box with Thomas, who came home from work a bit early, especially upon the report that I was having some contractions!

T made me my favorite cheese plate – St. Angel with crostini and fig spread. (Sorry that is not the most glamorous picture!)

And he grilled BBQ chicken in the pouring rain for dinner. Plus risotto and green beans.

Eileen got me a Princess Cake from Albemarle Baking Co. that was so fresh! The boys were cute singing to me in the dark. 2 + 6 candles!

While I was hoping to share a birthday with Baby B, that was not in his plans. Someone said maybe because he’s head down he confused his 6 and 9 and he’s coming out on 10/29!

On Saturday morning Thomas made us baked eggs with goat cheese, peppers, and spinach. Delish! I may have had a small piece of cake as an appetizer : )

We went for a walk (so glad the blue sky was back!)

And then heated up leftovers for lunch. A lettuce-less salad with sweet potato fries, chicken, green beans, pecans, and avocado.

Later in the afternoon we dressed up and headed downtown for trick or treating on the mall! I went as a mom :mrgreen:

We met up with our neighbors and the kids had a great time. There were tons of people downtown. M says he’s going as a green zombie for real Halloween but wanted to be Batman this time.

M got some yummy candy, and then we went with the neighbors to Vita Nova for dinner. (The grown-ups were not hungry yet.) Bettlejuice got lots of attention!

We went to the library to go through their haunted house (which was cute) and then headed home. I was totally beat from walking around for 2 hours. I can’t believe how hard these last two weeks have been on my body after staying fairly active for the first 38 weeks. I was totally exhausted.

Thomas and I had salads and grilled cheeses for dinner.

Mazen read me a Halloween book he brought home from his school library “teacher style.” It was cute!

T and I had some more birthday cake for dessert and watched Ozark. I have a love/hate with that show. Moments of it are so terrifying but overall it’s intriguing. We need a new show to binge watch for baby time – any recommendations??

I slept pretty well last night and have been doing the Miles Circuit and acupressure before bed. The past few nights I’ve had to drink OJ in the middle of the night for insomnia, but luckily all three nights it’s worked like a charm to put me back to sleep. I don’t know how I would make it through the nights pregnant without:

  1. A Snoogle
  2. A lacrosse ball (to release my aching hips)
  3. My kindle (to read in the lowest light possible)
  4. Juice

I baked pumpkin oatmeal for our breakfast with two kinds of chocolate chips on top!

Today is the day that my water broke with Mazen, so I’m thinking maybe that will happen again today. But we have at the longest to wait until Halloween to meet this little guy! 1 day shy of 41 weeks:

Let’s do this!

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