Episode #75: Kelsey J Patel

I’ve decided that the theme of season 4 of That’s So Maven is “expectation” or more specifically, releasing expectations. I’m not gonna lie, I go into most episodes with some kind of plan in my mind. I invite guests on with some type of expectation that we focus on a...

Camp Wellness Sponsors

I knew going in to Camp Wellness that I wouldn’t be able to do this alone. I am here because of you guys, but also because of the incredible brands I’ve been fortunate to work with along the way. Not only have these brands supported me financially (so many thank...

Episode #76: Rini Frey

Social media tends to get a bad rap for a multitude of reasons. One of the biggest ones is that it creates a comparison trap that makes users feel “less than” the people they follow. Yet many of us continue to follow these people even though we know it isn’t good for...